Sudbourne Primary School – MULTI SPORTS CLUB


MULTI SPORTS After School Club

Reception, Y1, Y2 & Y3

Dates & Time: 

Thursdays 3.30pm – 4.30pm

Limited to 16 players ONLY

Experience the thrill of diverse sports every week! Join our after-school club for a dynamic rotation of Football, Athletics, Basketball, Dodgeball, and Quick Cricket. Unleash your potential across various sports

Booking is for a full term. Please note: we have a no refund policy.

This Club is only for Pupils attending Sudbourne Primary School.

SKU: N/A Category: day: Product ID: 16930


Dive into fun every week with our multi-sports after-school club—Football, Athletics, Basketball, Dodgeball, Quick Cricket. Discover a new passion each session

Additional information


Summer Term (APR 2024- JUL 2024) -10 sessions


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